Saturday, September 30, 2006

xie xie, xie xie, SP you are the BEST!!!!

My SP has out-done herself again!!! I got Moon Cakes delivered from China Sprout today!!!!!!! I just can't believe how thoughtful and sweet you are. I swear it's like you know me so well. I'm taking a Chinese language class on Thursday nights and this past Thursday we were just talking about the Moon Festival and Moon Cakes. After class I was thinking I need to start learning more about and celebrating the Chinese Holidays now - so when the girls are home it will be something we are already doing. YOU ARE JUST THE BEST!!!!! Not only do you give me the best gifts but you are also helping me with my growth and understanding of the Chinese culture, which by the way I find fascinating.

Check out these pictures - I was impressed since I've never seen a real Moon Cake. And the can they came in is also wonderful.

Sonny is leaving Tuesday for India, so Friday night I will be sitting on the deck watching the moon thinking about Sonny in India, our baby girl/girls in China, their family who will have to give her/them up and my wonderful Secret Pal and her family - wherever you are.

Thanks again for helping to make the wait for referrals so much fun!!!

And thank you for the best October gift!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so very welcome, Sherry! I'm glad that the moon cakes will help you feel closer to your daughter(s) and to their heritage. I'll be thinking about you too!

September 30, 2006 10:09 PM  

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