Saturday, September 30, 2006

xie xie, xie xie, SP you are the BEST!!!!

My SP has out-done herself again!!! I got Moon Cakes delivered from China Sprout today!!!!!!! I just can't believe how thoughtful and sweet you are. I swear it's like you know me so well. I'm taking a Chinese language class on Thursday nights and this past Thursday we were just talking about the Moon Festival and Moon Cakes. After class I was thinking I need to start learning more about and celebrating the Chinese Holidays now - so when the girls are home it will be something we are already doing. YOU ARE JUST THE BEST!!!!! Not only do you give me the best gifts but you are also helping me with my growth and understanding of the Chinese culture, which by the way I find fascinating.

Check out these pictures - I was impressed since I've never seen a real Moon Cake. And the can they came in is also wonderful.

Sonny is leaving Tuesday for India, so Friday night I will be sitting on the deck watching the moon thinking about Sonny in India, our baby girl/girls in China, their family who will have to give her/them up and my wonderful Secret Pal and her family - wherever you are.

Thanks again for helping to make the wait for referrals so much fun!!!

And thank you for the best October gift!


Friday, September 29, 2006

Thank You Secret Pal!!!

Thanks soooo much Secret Pal!!! I opened our mailbox to find your box--Beth was so excited and couldn't wait for me to open it. Inside was the cutest set of 3 pink bibs, an adorable (and super soft) Bear huggin' blanky in *yellow* (yeah!) a Dove bar (yummy!) and a Pink Lemonade Lip Smacker. Beth has laid claim to the "lipstick"!! Also, sorry to say, but our Florida heat made soup of the chocolate; however Beth suggested we freeze it so we can eat it later--so it is currently in the freezer regaining its shape.

Secret Pal, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. Our little Emma will look SO CUTE in her bibs--and I know she will love the little blanky. It is the perfect size to bring to China with us and will provide her with both comfort and a little friend! And Beth is ready to tear the "lipstick" open!!

So thanks again from The Potters, and we look forward to the day we can give you a big hug and introduce you to Emma, Secret Pal!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Yeah for my Secret Pal! I have been home sick from work today. I finally started feeling better and ventured out to the mailbox. Nothing cures a headache like a surprise! I got the cutest yellow outfit, a fun rattle and a "water temperature" duck. My husband has wanted to get one of these since we decided we were adopting - he thinks it is so funny. Now I know why I never bought one - I was supposed to get one from you. :) Thanks for everything - it made my day.


I opened my door to a surprise! Thank you Secret Pal!

I was on my way out the front door to get the mail and there was a box right there as I was about to step out.
I brought it in and waited for Wendy to wake up from her nap to open it. She gets so excited over packages. Mike even got to see us open it.
Inside was the absolutely sweetest pair of Ladybug sandals size 1 for Mylie. I do hope she is that small!!! Wendy was a size 3-4 when we got her home. Since we have asked for even younger...maybe they will fit. Too, she may be just built differently from Wendy. I just love the note with the thought that I could always hang them from my car mirror. I laughed so hard! Mike said if Mylie can't wear them we will display them some how. Holly, my 18 year old said that I can always give them to her when she has children. Needless to say the Sandals were a HUGE hit.
I got a kick out of the Hot Tamales! I love taking them to the movies. I use to eat one with a couple of bites of popcorn...really pretty good. But, now with my new diet lifestyle that has been forced on me I can't eat the popcorn at the theater. I can eat Smart Pop at home though. So tomorrow night since Holly is coming in for the weekend from College I will share them(maybe) with Smart Pop and a movie here at home! It is Halloween movie time! Not too scary; mostly Disney like Haunted Mansion, and Tower of Terror, and Don Knotts Ghost and Mister Chicken.
Lastly the Ladybug Pillow is AWSOME! I haven't seen one like it. It has to be the softest thing! Wendy took it away from me. When I said I would share she started to cry; so I guess you know who slept with the pillow last night. At least I get to look at it. She said "It's My Secret Pal! Mike and I got the biggest kick out of her.
I'm not posting a photo, because Mike just put a fresh disk in and we don't have a cord to transfer them to the computer. I did take photos of the box of goodies and one of Wendy with them though. Once I can post them I will wether it's a late photo or not.
Thank you So Much Secret Pal!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Thank you dear secret pal for those special surprises! I just love the silk purses; very cool that Paige and I get to be matchy matchy! We like that! They are really very very nice - love the fact they zipper shut. The photos albums are way cute and I plan on taking them with us when we go to China (and everywhere else). The bib is adorable and I can hardly wait to put it on Piper! I just love Halloween.

Thanks again for being so very thoughtful - you are so sweet!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sweet Suprise

My Secret Pal's gift really made my day. After a long day at work I came home to an empty house (my husband travels alot with his job) to find a package on the front doorstep from my Secret Pal. Inside were all kinds of ladybug goodies: bracelet, toy, puppet, stickers, magnet, and toe ring! Thank you for making my day...and evening...not so lonely. I loved all of it!

Mary Walker

Monday, September 25, 2006

Thanks Secret Pal!

I was so excited to get home on Saturday and to receive my first Secret Pal gift! It is an adorable PINK outfit! I have to admit my hubby was laughing at me as I started to cry! It was accompanied by a sweet note. I am going to keep a scrapbook of all the notes and pictures of the gift so I can show Samantha how much she was loved before we ever got to meet her.

Thanks so much Secret Pal, you really made my day!

Feeling very happy and encouraged,

~ Christine

Friday, September 22, 2006

I have the most wonderful Secret Pal!!!!

I have the 'bestest SP' - she really out did herself!!! I LOVE everything!!!! Check out the these pictures. It was all wrapped as one gift then after I ripped it open I found out this great diaper bag had more wrapped presents inside. Only then did I remembered to run upstairs and get the camera.

I got a fantistic fuchcia diaper bag (am I a total dork because I was thinking that I could just use it as a purse now), two adorable bibs, and three books. They are 'The Grouchy Ladybug', 'Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed' and the 'Belly Button Book'. I love everything - and the color of the diaper bag is perfect!!!

I've already walked around the house 'testing it out'. Like I said I'm a total dork, want-to-be drool stained mommy!

Again, thanks so much - you really made my day a whole lot brighter!


Michele A.'s Secret Pal!

Thank you, secret pal! This is the softest elephant ever made. Zoe was quite impressed with this because the elephant is holding a "blah blah" (blankie) just like the one she carries. It was such a fun gift to open and it was a wonderful surprise. Thank you so much!

Michele A.

Thanks Secret Pal!!!!

After a horrible day at work I came home to find a package from my secret pal. It was filled with all kinds of useful stuff that I absolutely love and can't wait to use. When I opened the bibs, I burst into tears of bittersweet joy!!! I can't wait to be a mommy!!! You made my day, thanks a bunch :)


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thank you SO MUCH Michele's Secret Pal !

I was pleasantly surprised when I came home from work and saw that box on my porch. How exciting!! I loved everything. I especially cant wait give the BUBBLE spout guard a try. I cant tell you how many times I have picked up the "bath safety duck"....many to say the least. Thank you soo much...I am a happy girl

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Testing my blogging skills

Hello Ladies: I am posting a test post here as I never used blogger before.
It's nice to see everyone posting to the site and to see everyone enjoying their Secret Pals.

A Secret Pal Card....How Cute

I was so surprised and happy the other day when I got my mail and saw that I had real mail (non-junk, non-bills) and it was a Secret Pal card. I didn't even know they made Secret Pal cards. How cool!!! Thanks so much secret pal. I really enjoyed the card. It made my day.

Monday, September 18, 2006


OOPS! It's not a lamb it's a baby Koala. Sorry Sercret Pal. But, I was right the first time in saying "I love it".

I love my Secret Pal Gift

I just got home from work, after having a not so great Monday, to find a box from my Secret Pal! I of course dropped my bag and immediately opened it. I received the most adorable and SOFT and Cuddly white lamb and 3 cute pink bibs. I love them all. It put a big smile on my face. Thank You sooooo much Secret Pal.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I have never blogged before so I sure hope this works. Thanks for my secret pal!! I can't wait to get started. This all very exciting and fun. We will be so busy swapping and blogging that before we know it, it will be referral time!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

just practicing

I just wanted to practice since I have NEVER "blogged". I am excited to start the Secret Pal. Thanks to Sherry and everyone who is helping to get this going. We needed this.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Well Done Sherry!!!!

I'm still trying to figure out how to do my blog. I truly appreciate the ones that can do this.

First post!!!!


Since we plan on getting started on September 11th with our Secret Pal Swaps I thought I'd create a space where we could post pictures of our gifts. You will also be able to thank your SP at the same time.

Happy shopping!!!!!