Saturday, December 30, 2006

Danielle's Not So Secret Pal

Sherry and Sonny sent these and some other absolutely adorable outfits for Danielle. This is the second box of "goodies" that they sent me. The other contained a winter coat, bathings suits, more clothes, a few stuffed animals, and sippy cups. I feel like Danielle now has her own "secret pal". She is a very luck girl to have you all behind her giving both she and I your support. She is going to be the best dressed little girl in all of Ventnor New Jersey. I can't wait to share her photos and all of the information I have about her. Hopefully my TA will come soon and the floodgates will open. I promise! Thanks Sherry and Sonny.
JoAnne (day 38 waiting for TA)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Thank you!

Thanks to my Secret Pal. Your generous gift arrived today and boy, did I need it! I have to share the STUPID thing I did. My wonderful husband gave me a beautiful necklace and earring set for Christmas. Well, I loved it. Notice the past tense. In all the post Christmas clean-up and cross country travel, I inadvertently threw them away! I noticed this morning and I was just sick. So, today, as I sat wallowing in my self pity, I decided to take the dog for a walk and go get the mail. Surprise! There was your sweet package.
I love everything you sent - the onesies, the outfit, and the bib! Pink! The snowman earrings and pin are adorable. The calendar will be very useful and the chocolate and cake need no comment. :) Yum! The angel bear is so sweet and I am sure Caroline will love it.

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. Happy New Year to everyone!


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Thank You, Christine's Secret Pal!

Dearest Secret Pal,

Thank you so much for the beautiful dress for Samantha and the wonderful treats! It is so exciting to have a secret pal, and it certainly makes the time go by quicker! Thank you also for the beautiful Anniversary Card, how special it was to be remembered on our special day!

I also wanted to include the picture of the adorable outfit that my wonderful Secret pal sent for November. I haven't been able to get a picture up until now. It looks so soft and comfy and I know Samantha will wear it often!

Thank you for being such a blessing during this time of waiting!


Friday, December 15, 2006

What a Great SP I have!

I received such wonderful gifts today from my SP.....Nice end to the week. Got to LOVE the Fortune Cookie Snausages....for the puppies, of course. They have some cute sayings. I've never seen them in the stores yet.
Our other gifts include an initial ornament for Addison and a holiday jar with a great smelling candle in it.

We also receive the most precious tshirt for Addison and a holiday cd which I can't wait to listen to tomorrow. Amongst all those wonderful gifts were 2 yummy marshmallow santas...I already ate mine (no willpower here haha).

Thank you so much are awesome. HUGS to you! Have a great holiday season!!

Happy Hanukkah from my Secret Pal

Happy Hanukkah!!!!
Danielle and I received the most awesome Hanukkah package from my secret pal today! It could not have come on a better day. Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah. ALL of the gifts were individually wrapped in Hanukkah paper and gift bags. Danielle got the best "stuff". She got; sippy cups, snack bowls with lids, divided dinner plates, disposable bibs, and disposable forks & spoons. Then, as if that wasn't enough, she got a panda book, stacking wooden blocks, and a personalized music CD jsut for "Danielle". It is all so great and VERY useful and needed. To top it all off I got Yankee Candles in my favorite scents. I am probably going to be taking most of Danielle's gifts to China with me. I already have a suitcase in my spare room with "things to go" in it (not packed of course). AND, here is some great new news. I got an email from GW and my dossier is being reviewed. How exciting is that?? Another GW Mom who accepted her WC referral the same day as I did already got her TA. She was LID in 11/05 so her dossier was already past review. But, using the new on-line system she was able to get her TA in less than 3 weeks. That's amazing. She is going to the same orphanage as I am and she promised to take photos of all of the babies she sees so that after she posts I will be able to see my Danielle. ANYWAY, enough about me. THANK YOU my secret pal. We (Danielle and I) love you and your excellent taste and thoughtfulness.
Happy Holidays to All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JoAnne and Danielle

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

My Secret Pal is awesome! I was surfing the net the other evening, doing some last minute Christmas shopping, when my husband came in and told me there was a package for me at the front door. Inside was the sweetest little pink frame with 2 little pink booties attached. So cute! Also, some nice Avon hand cream and a shimmery star guest soap. There was also a big bag of peppermint potpourri (which my husband and I LOVE). Forgive me, Secret Pal, for not knowing what the last item is for, the little china girl tassel. Some I've asked said it's a book mark, while others say it's a zipper pull or chain for a ceiling fan? PLEASE enlighten me. Anyway, I loved it all!!! Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, and have a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thank you to Lesa's Secret Pal!

Thank you so much for all of the Christmas goodies. Wendy really loves the bells that you sent her. I told my family that on Christmas morning in Germany they ring the bells for everyone to enter for gifts. Mike liked the idea. I love the Candle Sticks! They will grace our dinner table. I know Wendy will love the CD. I've been playing Christmas music in the car.
We can't wait to try the new Coffee. Mike said he has heard of it before. I love Coffee, Cocoa, and Teas.
I absolutely love the ornament!!!!!!!! I haven't seen that one before. I'll have to go to that site and look. It is nice to know that the proceeds go to a really good cause. I love that Proverb....I have it on our new site for Mylie.
Just need to figure out the address so I can share.
Thanks again....we did take tons of photos, but once again the disc is new. I really need to find the adaptor.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Lesa and family

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Special Holiday Wishes to my SP

Thank you so much for the wonderful surprises SP! Katie & I were very excited about receiving our package. She was so touched to have a Christmas gift for her as well and loved the lip glosses. She asked me to send her "thank you". She was looking at them at Kohl's over the weekend actually and had to call her friends last night and tell them about our secret pal surprises. The dress and tights are absolutely adorable. Even Jeff (who is not usually into baby stuff) smiled and commented on how cute it was. Lastly, the "Darby Creek" veggie dip is so thoughtful. We were all thrown by that. We will use it on Christmas when we have family over in the bowl you sent with the neat spoon. Thanks again, you know us so well. Hope you and your family have a great holiday and happy and safe new year!


Monday, December 11, 2006

A Big Thank You to Cynthia's Secret Pal

I love coming home and finding packages at the front door. It is a great way to end the day and if it is a Friday it is a great way to start the weekend. Last Friday my secret pal package was waiting for me and it made my day!!!! I was thrilled to find the most adorable corduroy pants, a blue and white print top and a really cute while fleece poncho. I am sure that poncho will get lots and lots of use. I can't wait to put the whole outfit on Taylor when she comes home. I also got two books...Good Night Moon and The Runaway Bunny. I have given Good Night Moon as a gift so often I was really nice to get my own. I will really enjoy reading it to Taylor.

Thanks again for a fabulous box of gifts. I love them all.
Happy Holidays.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Thank you to Diane's Secret Pal !

Secret Pal, Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts! I returned last night from a week in Japan for work, tired, and dragging in the pile of mail... then, I saw a box in the door! I dropped the rest of the mail and opened the package. It was just the smile that i needed at the end of the long week. I love the ladybug light... it is now in my living room but once i do the nursery it will move there. It goes perfectly with the "bug" theme i'm planning (but for now i'll take it's good luck charm in the main room). The figurine is very sweet and warmed my heart. Thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts... you're a wonderful secret pal! Have a great holiday season! Diane

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year's.

I really feel so close to all you guys since we are all on the same emotional journey together. Sometimes I wish we could all get together for lunch and shopping because I feel like I know you guys all so well. I also think about you guys a lot when I'm shopping - I'll see something with lambs or in red or with surf boards or flip flops on it and I just want to call you guys and say 'I found the perfect xxxxx for you do you want me to pick it up for you?'. Then I remember that I really don't know you guys quite that well in that kind of way - just kind of weird. But I guess what I'm trying to say is you guys are always on my mind and if I'm having a good or bad day I'm worried or happy for you guys too. I know this roller coaster has had some bad dips on it lately and so in my book that means that we're due for some much needed ups too. Whether we truly get them or not isn't for us to decide but it is comforting knowing that I have all you guys riding the same ride with me. I know sometimes we don't always see eye-to-eye on things (like the wait times) but we can still openly express our feelings - kind of like you can do with family and really good friends. I'm so glad that I can count you guys in that bunch of special people.

I know I will be counting all you guys in my blessings this holiday season.

I wish everyone and theirs families health, happiness, and the strength and patience we'll need now and to the time we travel to pick up our new babies.

Sherry and Sonny Spring

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Merry Christmas to Susan's Secret Pal!

And, thank you for the wonderful Christmas package! I love the ornaments and have not seen anything like these before! I have a nice collection of "German" glass ornaments started, and these will add more memories to our Christmas story. Roger had just asked me if I was going to carry on the tradition of giving our little one an ornament every year, so thank you for our start. My mother has given my brother and I ornaments during Thanksgiving every year since we were children. With over 42 years worth and growing, Maiya may end up with her own tree in years to come. I think the Panda Bear may be my favorite ornament this year. I will post a photo Friday when I'm back at the office.

Also, thank you so much for thinking of my pampered pets and sending them the gourmet dog cookies! Lou can't get enough, so I had to put them away! Scooter hasn't tried one yet, but we will save him plenty for when he gets his appetite back. Scooter had surgery last Friday and came home on Sunday. They didn't find a tumor as suspected, but the nerves were abnormally swollen as were limp nodes, so they chose to amputate his front leg. He's doing well this week, but as expected he isn't quite himself. We assume the med's have slowed him down and have lessened his appetite, as well as the pain and healing. When we got him home he jumped from the back of the truck on his own and ran through the yard like nothing had changed. Then the med's wore off and he slowed down. Roger took Monday and Tuesday off from work to stay at home with the boys, and I've got today and tomorrow with them. We're awaiting to hear results of the biopsy, and hope and pray this will be all he has to go through at this time. You're package helped lift my spirits and brought some needed Christmas joy into our home.

Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful gifts.


P.S. One bonus of having Roger home this week, he's almost got Maiya's room done! He finished painting this week and we're having the wallpaper hung on Friday. I'll post photo's when it's complete. Here's hoping our dossiers move into the Review Room by Christmas!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Thank You to Mary's Secret Pal!

GWCA JUNE 2006 SECRET PAL SWAP: November 2006
I've got the best Secret Pal! I was home ill and feeling pretty bad when there was a knock at the door. It was my November Secret Pal package! Talk about lifting my spirits! Inside was the sweetest, cutest little glow worm. You pull the handle on the bottom and it plays a lullaby and the wings light up. Tooooo Cute!! I can't wait to see my baby's reaction. That one may travel with us! My Secret Pal also remembered my birthday (the big "41") by sending me a beautiful coffee cup and saucer with a fall design, filled with a variety of tea bags and chocolate. My husband's the coffee drinker, but I do love hot chocolate and hot tea at times. It's absolutely perfect! Thanks again for everything and for making my "blah" day so much brighter! Maybe one day I can thank you in person! I WILL get photos added as soon as I can slow down long enough to figure it out!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thank you Christine's Secret Pal

Thank you so much for my November gift of the darling Gymboree outfit! I can see Samantha running around the house in it alot! I am sorry I haven't posted sooner, I kept thinking I was going to get a picture to post with my thank you, but hubby kept running away with the camera. :-) I have so enjoyed all of your gifts, they bless me so much as I get discouraged thinking about when we are all going to be next up for our referrals, but I know that God's timing is perfect.

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and caring,

~ Christine

Friday, December 01, 2006

Thanks to my Secret Pal

SP I love my November package! The meal time theme is great: the Use and Toss spoons, snack cups, and sippy cups are wonderful. Last but not least are the disposable place mats - I have never seen these, what a clever idea. Ok, most of these things fascinate me because I've never really paid attention to them as I am going to be a first time mom. I'm learning a lot! Thank you again for such a delightful, fun package. hope everyone had a joyous Thanksgiving.